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The three types of SPD

Type1 SPD:The Type 1 SPD is recommended in the specific case of service-sector and industrial buildings, protected by a ... More info

Product Return Conditions

one, the changed product requirements with a complete packaging products, accessories, manuals, warranty, Shipping & Returns an explanation of why.... More info

​ After-sales service commitment to books

In order to continuously meet the needs of customers to achieve the purpose of quality service. Shenzhen Shi Yilaike Co., Ltd. Special commitment to the following service conditions:... More info

    Contact us

  •  8th Floor (East), Building C, Weihuada Industrial Park, No. 5, Lirong Road, Xinshi Community, Dalang Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
  •   0086-0755-83402479
  •   0086-0755-83402479
  • 200815188@qq.com


Monitoring systemRail transitEnergy systemwireless communicatiIntelligent Building